House to House

By on Oct 21, 2012 in Poetry

Silhouette of a salesman superimposed over color blocks

A salesman going door to door,
selling bottled rain and sniffed fingers,
selling angel-scented handkerchiefs.
A salesman in an ill-fitting suit,
selling love-powder and paper aqualungs.
Broken manhole covers. A dent in a bucket.
Bio-degradable motion detectors.

The uninvited, leaning on your front door’s bell,
hauling a black satchel, carrying snake-hips
and vapourous handles. Hair dye for the dead.
A swastika of smoking ashes.

Who’s selling two absolutes for a dollar,
the semi-divine, and storm windows too –
lest yon tempest offend thee.


Pushcart nominee Bruce McRae is a Canadian musician with over 900 poems published around the world, including and The North American Review. His first book, ‘The So-Called Sonnets’, is available via Silenced Press and Amazon. To see and hear more poems go to ‘BruceMcRaePoetry’ on YouTube.