Sorry about the bed being out of order. That guy, the one with the fur and paws, he refused to move much. He stared at me, his look calling me an idiot for making something look nice just to mess it up again later.
This flash fiction project was born from a meditative state. There was no planning involved. As an exercise, Natalie began creating ideas from her typewriter on note cards. The words served as a way to capture ideas that were flowing from her brain. The ideas were just meant for reference and inspiration. As they sat collecting dust, Gen rescued them and gave them visuals. Each card is made the day it is posted. The purpose of this exercise is to consistently post work to inspire the creators and their audience. The Flash Fiction Project can be found online: daily updates (http://flashfictionok.tumblr.com/) and the archive (http://genevieveokupniak.com/flashfiction/).
Natalie Okupniak (
www.okupniak.com) was born in Philadelphia, college educated at University of the Arts with a BFA in Writing for Film and Television. She has worked for a variety of production companies in capacities ranging from financial management, to executive producing, to getting down and dirty producing out in the field. Her first love has always been writing. Residency in New York City has allowed for numerous producing opportunities in fashion, art, film and television. Most recently, she spends her working hours as an executive producer and field producer, primarily at B Productions.
Genevieve Leonard (
www.genevieveleonard.com) is a contemporary fine artist who explores various mediums to explore ideas of gender identity in current cultures. Her formal education began with a double major BFA in film and animation at UArts, concluding her college ambitions with an MFA from CalArts. She started her fine art career in Philadelphia by creating a series of portraiture paintings that exhibited at group shows in the Plastics Club and Art in the Atrium Abington in 2005. This body of work was displayed, as a whole, in her solo show at the 1622 Gallery in Center City Philadelphia titled “Abstract Selves” Feb 2006. During this time, she had multiple screenings of her narrative and experimental films in such festivals as Fantasia (After Dark Selections 2005 Tattoo), Philadelphia Film Festival (Danger After Dark Series 2004-2005 Tattoo, TattooII), and
Producer’s Club (2012 Tethered, The Fountainhead). Genevieve is currently working as an adjunct professor at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York, and creating artwork in the off-season.