Voyager IV
by Becky Rankin

a tearing thunder
that rocks the soul to its foundations
a scream wings, shrieking, through the    airless void.
Ten billion miles away,
white-walled in and blinded by the murky    stratosphere
she hears it nonetheless and knows
she reaches for the wall
as the world goes black.

Spinning in mindless chaos,
the starship drifts,
bearing beyond the reach of knowledge
secrets now forever kept
priceless banalities that made up their lives,
all so suddenly sealed.

Amid the twisted wreckage of enterprise
he lies
his heart beats twice,
but half her heart goes on beating
against the floor
as murmurs rise from those gathered,    concerned,
pressed all together around her
in the small cubicle
and one kneels to find a pulse.




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