A Beginners Guide to Immortality
Clifford Pickover
By Alan L. Gordon
Clifford Pickovers latest work is a titillating compendium of
all that is delightfully weird about the universe we see around us,
and about parallel universes demonstrated to be as likely as not to
The full list of topics addressed in A Beginners Guide to
Immortality: Extraordinary People, Alien Brains, and Quantum Resurrection
seems too long for a medium-length book, and yet Pickover manages
to give well-paced attention to widely topics ranging from artificially
realities, shamanic mysticism, quantum mechanics, historys quirkiest
scholars, vintage sci-fi movies, life after death, and predictions of
future technology.
Bafflingly, Beginners Guide just doesnt seem voluminous
enough to hold as many well-developed ideas as it does. Readers may
feel as if they have absorbed the worlds most eccentric encyclopedia
with only the effort of reading a Sunday newspaper perhaps Pickover
in his research has unfolded some trick of folding space and time, allowing
him to encapsulate incredible volumes of data in a small package!
A major theme of the work is an examination of historys multitalented,
unusual people Pickover calls chameleons, uneasy souls who
rarely fit comfortably into the society of their day, and yet achieve
mastery of diverse, multiple disciplines from visual arts to mathematics
to philosophy to music to physics to creative literature. Sketching
the achievements of poorly-performing school students like Albert Einstein
and the abused genius of Truman Capote (and dozens more chameleons
of lesser and greater fame), Pickover makes the case that the worlds
greatest thinkers have in common a trait elusive to the rest of us
thinking not only outside of the box, but on an entirely different plane.
Pickover himself, a mathematician by training who has garnered expertise
in myriad other academic arenas, seems to fall into this category.
Perhaps, after all, the authors greatest talent is being able
to draw together ideas which do not to the average mind relate, until
one of the worlds most unusual minds shows us how the puzzle pieces
go together. Pickovers ability to fit so many fresh ideas into
such a small space may not be a trick of physics after all, and may
instead simply be his unerringly eloquent literary style, which allows
him to succinctly encapsulate in few words what others could barely
spell out in thick tomes.
In its quest for understanding of weird realities, Beginners
Guide contains such diversity of thought that no reader can agree
with all of its premises and prepositions, yet the works author
maintains a splendid sense of self-questioning and humility, ultimately
lending the work a greater grounding in reality. Rather than becoming
offended at that which is disagreeable, purchasers of this work may
find themselves learning through their reading a greater respect for
any and all human quests for truth, based upon the sheer humanity of
an others feeling. Beginners Guide will never assume
a permanent position on most readers bookshelves, simply because
mystical quantum forces dictate it will be frequently lent out.
Rating: **** (Must Read)
Thunders Mouth Press, 2006 (ISBN: 1560259841)