Third Annual Wild Violet Writing Contest Winners (2005)

Poetry — Second Place

Bobbi Dykema Katsanis has had work appear in numerous publications, most of them too small to have been noticed. She studied theology in college, because it seemed like the closest thing to not having to choose a major at all.


Scholarly Pursuits
By Bobbi Dykema Katanis


the geometry of tangled bodies under covers.
the history of puzzled glances, worried frowns;
the calculus of bills and bankbooks,
the science of rising dough
and the music of sizzling onions;
modern dance.

I spent ten or fifteen years bored
by musty books with heavy covers
diagrams and endless petty chores,
quadratic equations and The Manual of Style.
but now all of it has been brought to bear
upon the work of a shared address —
two persons, one cat and a parking space,
laughter, tea, and a decent view,
alarms and showers and Sunday naps,
grocery bags and the joys of welcome home.



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