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- Lesson 3 Astro-Numerology, the perfect unification between the science of Numbers and the Wisdom of the Heavens, was initiated in the West by Pythagoras and by Vararuchi in the East. To
Pythagorus, the mystery of the Universe was Philosophically, when we say everything is Unity, we are talking about Numbers or that "Infinity is the beginning of all things," we are talking about Numbers! Effects
of Fadic Number Three THREE
Numerological Number is 3 and your Life Controller They
always aspire for greatness, as they can never be Their
drawback is that, as they are devoted to the Law, they force their ideals
on others. Even though they are not quarrelsome, they create a lot of
enemies. They are proud and vainglorious. They will not serve others.
They are annoyed at the slightest adversity. They use 3 12 21 and 30 Their
fortunate days are Thursday Friday and Tuesday. Shakespeare,
Lord Russell, Winston Churchill and Personality Overview Controller of Life - JUPITER You
are controlled by the biggest planet in the Solar As
you are influenced by Jove, Jovian qualities will be You
will be able to talk your way to the top, as you have You
will be able to win a lot of friends and influence In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter represents the royal Self & Absolute Knowledge (Divine Wisdom). He is the indicator of Divine Grace. He represents all sciences and all arts as Knowledge is divine in character. He represents Happiness, Learning & Wisdom. He
rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac - Alpha and Beta
Geminorum ( Punarvasu), Alpha Librae An Analytical Review Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius The
zodiac sign representing this number is the divine Sagittarians
generally tend towards spirituality. In
Astro-Gemmology, Jupiter represents Golden Topaz. Wearing this stone on
a Shukla Paksha Monday ( fifteen days after the New Moon) will enhance
the luck of the Threeians. The Sanskrit text The Jataka Chandrika assigns Negative Aspect You
may become too idealistic when practical life needs Mantra Devanam
cha Rishinam cha This sloka, if recited 108 times a day, can ward off the afflictions of Jupiter. This is the moola sloka of Jupiter. Other Aspects In
Transcendental Philosophy, the Number Three is considered very sacred.
Absolute Being is defined as Existence- Consciousness - Beatitude (Sat
- Chit - Ananda). The Trinitarian Unity is highlighted in both Hinduism
and In Freudian Psychoanalysis, Mind is an Energy Organization made up of 3 factors - Id, Ego and Superego. In Vedanta, the 3 Gunas make up Nature (Satwas, Rajas & Thamas). Holistic Medicine or AyurVeda is built upon the theory of the 3 humours (Vata, Pitta & Kapha). Transactional Analysis deals with Parent- Adult-Child formula, and Psychology deals with the three levels of the Mind (Conscious, Subconscious & Unconscious). Dante's Divine Comedy is divided into 3 portions - The Inferno, Purgatorio & Paradiso! In the next article (in Wild Violet Issue 4), we will deal with the Fourians - who are ruled by the Number Four and by the Moon's Ascending Node (Rahu).
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