On Healing
This is your brain on drugs slugs bread past your friends your in-laws your speed of light or light of speed dance naked shriek the banshee howl feet pound feet pound feet raise hand shake shiver shimber elephant a coiling down the path shake a shake your feet shake it away shake the rotten stars away shake out the dark light from your hair let it go sister self let it go sister self arrive at your destiny marvelous strong shake those feet he is the dirt under it he is pound into a tree he will return on his own karma and you only act perfectly on yours cloud child sister sistah soldier rock on dear one rock on deer on rock on those blistered feet down the shoals of time to your mysterious sister you need no one's arms you rock in the arms of the universe in a universe of stars and here no snakes are frightening and no bastards suck wounds and no you cannot have your supper twice warmed over and expect to eat it too Dear dear there there dear one you are thinking too hard drink of the stream drink of the clouds and crickets and they are you they are your friend by accident you can discover all you need to about yourself