Maria "I quit Miss Gloria!" I shout at she. "You no more
yell me. You no tell me what do no more. No more Maria clean toilet
and vomito. No more Maria find whiskey bottle in bed. No mas!
I not your Maria no more!" I slap Miss Gloria face. "You think
you got problema? You problema you got too much money!
You forget how be humana! You no more push Maria. You no more
tell Maria what do. Maria her own boss now," I say. I throw key
on table and walk out door. Alarm clock wake me. I want to throw across room. But I rub eyes and
get out the bed. It was all dream otra vez every night.
Ay Dios mio! I take shower, put on clothes. I no can wake daughter.
Try hard. I pack lunches in paper bag. Wake! Wake! My daughter late
to school because she like walk with me to bus stop. "Be good girl,"
I say and give big kiss. Then I push down the street. "Go school,"
I say. I watch go school. I call name. She no hear me. I wave. She no
see me. Her happy. Her with amigas.. I get on bus. Go work. "Good morning Miss Gloria," I shout when I open front door
su ella casa grande. I put coat in closet. First, I make café.
Then I upstairs Miss Gloria's bedroom. Miss Gloria in bed, colcha
over face. Otra ves. I never know alive or dead. If she bed
I can find. If Miss Gloria not bed, I look in bathroom. Sometimes she
sleep on floor by toilet. One time I find on floor in kitchen by refrigerator
in no any clothes. I think maybe she dead so I make cruz and
ask Jesuschristo protect me. I no know what do. Maybe I call
policia but I no have paper, so no call. I look close Miss Gloria.
I see eye move. I see Miss Gloria eyes move like perro de me abuelo,
like dog dream chase rabbit, so I not afraid. Miss Gloria alive, but
cold. I know I need wake so not die. "Miss Gloria," I say.
I touch my finger on arm. She not move much. "Miss Gloria?"
I say again and push hard. I kick her little bit and she no wake. Then
I know Miss Gloria alcohol. I no want kick she hard, not really. Why
she sleep no clothes? I run bathroom and get big towel. Cover towel
her. Miss Gloria might be embarrass for Maria see her no clothes. But
then I stop. I think she never embarrass before. I see her all ways.
Miss Gloria not embarrass. Es mi embarrass. I cover and I touch
again. Her open eye and look Maria. "What the hell am I doing in front
of refrigerator?" Ay! I help her up the floor. "Where did this towel come from?" She throw towel floor.
"Go get my robe upstairs. God, my head is killing me! Bring me
some aspirin, Maria." She mad. I remember el gallina enojada de mi abuelita. It fly
across yard and picando, picando, picando in earth. Must hurt
gallina head to picando so hard like must hurt Miss Gloria
be so mad. Miss Gloria face red; eye jump out big; boca smell
bad; need bano. Me no like. Miss Gloria no care. She sit table no clothes. "Where's my coffee?
Maria! Get me my coffee!" Otra ves yesterday, but yesterday clothes; no need towel. Miss Gloria thinks she know me, but she know nothing. I no tell nothing
because I light candle for Miss Gloria and pray Jesus Christo and Madre
Maria. Not every time because sometimes I need care mi familia,
but when they not enferma then I light candle for Miss Gloria.
When she mean, I light candle. When she have bad alcohol, I light candle.
Padre he say me, "Maria you so good. Light candle for su familia enferma." I not tell truth. Padre think Miss Gloria mi familia. I no want tell mi Padre, "I no have good patrona." I no want him worry me. Padre so nice to Maria. Why mi Padre no es mi patron? |