Vol. III Issue 3/4 (Hot Heart)

Tim Applegate
Tim Applegate is a poet and freelance writer in western Oregon. His poetry has been published in The Florida Review, The South Dakota Review, Rhino, Talking River Review, and Fireweed, among others. His film retrospectives appear in the onling journals Kamera, 24 Frames Per Second, and The Film Journal.
Poem: Pinons

Dean Borok
Dean Borok was born in Roswell, New Mexico, the natural child of an Albuquerque cocktail waitress and her alien abductor. As a very young man, Borok found he had the talent to see through walls, and he was hired by French intelligence to conduct industrial espionage in Paris but was soon dismissed when he was discovered spending all his time in the alley behind the dancers' dressing room of the Crazy Horse Saloon. He now lives in New York, where he has an apartment adjacent to the YWCA, and he works as a moving target at the Shoot The Freak paintball attraction in Coney Island.
Fiction: Papu's Declaration of Love
Humor: The Houston Ship Canal

Anselm Brocki
Anselm Brocki has had poems published in over 590 publications. He taught high school for several years, was a senior editor for Houghton Mifflin, was editorial coordinator for the Los Angeles City Schools, and is currently running his own editing business.
Poem: Public Speaking

R.G. Cantalupo
R.G. Cantalupo is an honors graduate from University of California Santa Cruz and a teaching fellow at Loyola Marymount, making a living as a nonfiction writer and teacher. Most recent publications include Nimrod, Rattle, Sou'wester, The Aurorean, The Cape Rock Review, Green's Review, The Comstock Review, The Blue Collar Review, The Southern Review, War, Literature and the Arts, JAMA and The Green Hills Literary Lantern.
Poem: An Urban Fable

Keltic Corman
Keltic Corman, proofreader extraordinaire, was born in 1991 in the rolling green hills of downtown Baltimore. After wandering in and out of many a school in the county, he packed his bags and headed west....about five miles, whereupon he was never heard from again. That is unless you're on the Internet. That being his only contact with the outside universe, he created a world just like any other and rocked the masses with this knowledge of cheap places to eat around his place. To this day you can still find him on the net skulking around web pages and creating stories that will never see the light of day...or night.

Amanda Cornwell

Wild Violet webmaster and art editor Amanda Cornwell is a highly suffanciacated multimedia artist and computer junkie -- coexisting with her computer and art supplies somewhere in Maryland... for more exploration of her cranium visit

J.M. Cornwell
J. M. Cornwell is a nationally syndicated journalist, security columnist, author, professional editor with 28 years of experience, and chief webmistress for The Rose & Thorn literary ezine, writes Grammar Goofs, a column on grammar, for Scribe & Quill, Occam's Razor, a paranormal column, for Whim's Place and edits erotica and mystery/suspense novels for Another Chapter and runs Creative Ink, LLC, a professional editing service. Visit her blog on Dead Journal.
Fiction: First Kiss

Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham received an MFA from the University of
Virginia and still lives in the Charlottesville area — it's an easy day trip to the museums in Washington, D.C. Poems have appeared in The Prose Poem: An International Journal and Small Spiral Notebook; a larger selection, of poems on parts of the body, is on the Mudlark website.
Poem: Prothonotary Warbler

Richard Davis
Richard Davis currently teaches writing and literature all over Grayson County in Texas and has poems out recently in 32 Poems, Passages North, and The Wallace Stevens Journal. When he is not grading papers, Richard likes to read, write, and hang out with the other local nuts.
Poem: The Little Redhead Girl

William Dauenhauer
William Dauenhauer is a lifelong resident of northeast Ohio, a 1971 graduate of Lakeland Community College (Kirtland, Ohio), where he received a liberal arts degree, and he's been writing free-verse poetry as a sort of creative writing self-help therapy for approximately thirty-five years. Although he has numerous poems published in numerous periodicals, he had but one smallish digest-sized book printed while a student on the college press.
Poem: Methodical Lovers

Holly Day
Holly Day's poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have most recently appeared in Canadian Woman Studies, Phoebe, and Whiskey Island. She currently works as a reporter and a writing instructor in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and lives with her two children and her husband.
Poem: No Picture on the Box and Half the Pieces Missing

Rada Djurica
Radmila Djurica
is a Serbian freelance journalist who has done correspondence work for the Tiker Press Agency and has had articles published in British Sunday and daily newspapers, including the Scottish newspaper, Sunday Post; in Woman Abroad magazine; and at She has served as assistant editor, reading manuscripts for the Reading Writers Service; has published articles with the SCN Television Network in California; is a freelance columnist for the British monthly magazine Code Uncut; and wrote about Serbia's International Bitef Festival of contemporary theatre for Zowie Wowie Magazine, an American e-zine.
Reviews: Hollywood Ending, directed by Woody Allen,The Stranglers - Getting Slowly Strangled
Probe: Fun Lovin' Criminals

Helene Fisher
Helene wrote "National Security" shortly after moving from bohemian East Village to the suburbs of Rockland County. The piece is from a larger collection entitled BETWEEN ROCKLAND AND A HARD PLACE: AN EAST VILLAGE MOM MOVES TO THE SUBURBS (POST 9/11). These essays are a new twist in Helene's work which includes developing a movie script for Todd Graff (Camp) and a television show (Stolen Car Productions), a nonfiction book for independent film producers, and a whole lot of business writing. Helene is a consultant for The Big Bam!, a breast cancer foundation and Select Media's HIV/AIDS story writing contest and film production for inner-city and at-risk youth.
Essay: National Security

Jason Fritz

Jason Fritz was born in 1978 in Richmond, Kentucky, where he spent his childhood and young adult life. He is a graduate of Haverford College, a recipient of the Terry M. Krieger Award, a prize given to the Haverford senior demonstrating the greatest achievement in writing during the junior and senior years. His poems have appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Friends Journal and The Haverford Review. He was a staff member at A Better Chance in Lower Merion for three years and is now an academic advisor/board member. A Better Chance, or ABC, is a non-profit that takes students from underprivileged backgrounds and places them in some of the premiere public and private high schools in the nation. He lives in Haverford, Pennsylvania, with his wife and teaches American Literature and Physical Science at St. Pius X High School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
Cutting: Bar Fights

Lynn Frost
Lynn Frost is an unintentionally macabre writer. Many times she has attempted to write straight genre fiction such as romance, but her heroes and heroines foil her best efforts by stumbling over dead locusts and fresh cadavers. She writes dark humor, speculative horror, slipstream fantasy, poetry, creative nonfiction, Southern gothic, and erotica. She has a B.S. in English and Professional Writing from the University of North Alabama. In the year 2000 she won the Ferry Scholarship to the University of Indiana. She has also won awards and publication in the Light and Shadows literary magazine. She currently lives with her family in a small town in Mississippi and works as a psychological technician.
Fiction: A Safe Place

Wanda Galey

Wanda Galey is a high school teacher who shares a passion for writing with her students. Writing flash fiction, haibun, and YA are some of her favorites. Her writing muse has been very helpful during 2003-2004, yielding three ezine acceptances. ICL, online writing workshops, and Wildacres Writers' Retreat are her favorite writing haunts. She also cannot walk into a bookstore and NOT buy books — a true addiction now.
Cutting: The Falls

B.A. Goodjohn
B.A. Goodjohn, originally from the UK, now resides in Forest, Virginia. Her poetry and short stories have appeared in or are due to appear in The Texas Review, The Cortland Review, Flashquake, E2K, Wind Magazine and other journals. She welcomes e-mail.
Cutting: Fallen

Alan Gordon

Alan Gordon is the author of the upcoming book Two Trees and how its hidden meanings may shed light on modern drug use and treatment.
Cutting: Two More

Carol Hamilton
Carol Hamilton was the poet laureate of Oklahoma from 1995-1997 and received the Oklahoma Book Award for her chapbook of poetry, Once the Dust. She received a Southwest Book Award in 1988 for a children's novel, The Dawn Seekers. She has been published widely. Her most recent books include Breaking Bread, Breaking Silence; Gold: Greatest Hits; I, People of the Llano; and I'm Not from Neptune.
Poem: Horace Walpole's "Dogmanity"

Ann Hite
Ann Hite's formative years were spent in Atlanta, Georgia, during the sixties with her extended family, who believed the south was a country of its own. From this lethal combination was born a writer, who to this day finds the characters from her family's past creeping into her prose. She says, "It's the stuff that makes writing interesting." Ann has published numerous short stories and essays, both online and in print with publications like Skyline Magazine, Cold Glass, Dead Mule and Fiction Warehouse. If you'd like, visit her website, The Painted Door.
Fiction: Buttoned Down Life

Dexter Johnson

Dexter Johnson lives in Salem, Oregon with his three children.
They keep him very busy.
Cutting: Defying Gravity

Margaret Karmazin

Margaret Karmzin's stories have appeared in Potato Eyes, North Atlantic Review, Mobius, Virginia Adversaria, Reader's Break, Aim Magazine, Chiron Review, West Wind Review, Weber Studies, and more. Her story in Eureka Literary Magazine was nominated for a Pushcart prize and Piper's Ash Ltd. in England recently published a chapbook of her sci-fi stories. Her fantasy novel, BONES, is available at and other online book sellers. In addition, she is an artist, with illustrations in SageWoman, A Summer's Reading and regional magazines. She lives by a lake in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband and two cats.
Fiction: Love of Botany

Michael Keshigian
Michael Keshigian from Londonderry, New Hampshire, musician and educator, works in Boston, performing with various symphonic ensembles while teaching on the collegiate level. He holds an undergraduate music degree from Boston Conservatory and graduate degrees from New York University and Boston University. Writing poetry since the mid-90s, he has been widely published in numerous national and international journals. He has written two chapbooks: Translucent View (Four-Sep Publications) and Dwindling Knight (BoneWorld Publishing), with a third, Silent Poems, due out this summer. He is a 2003 Pushcart Prize nominee.
Humor: Thief

Erik Kestler

Erik Kestler is from New York City's Washington Heights and Naperville, Illinois, now living in Baltimore. He writes for a living.
Poem: From the Greek

Melody Mansfield
Melody Mansfield is a high school marm who lives near a pretty little concrete lake with her bugs, lemon tree, roses, and writer/teacher husband. Her short stories, poems, and essays have appeared in publications including Thought Magazine, Inside English, and Parents Magazine. Her first novel, The Life Stone of Singing Bird, was published by Faber and Faber, Inc. in 1996. She is currently at work on revising a second novel, and on completing a collection of “bug” stories, entitled (appropriately enough) A Bug Collection. “Ephemeroptera” was the first story written for the collection, and will be the fourth one published.
Fiction: Ephemeroptera

Stephanie Modkins
Stephanie Modkins is a writer who lives in Renton, Washington. Growing up as an A.B. (Airforce Brat) provided her a crash course in different cultures, such as those found in the Phillipines and also Puerto Rico. She mainly focuses on creating a variety of short stories, essays and poems that entertain and provoke thought.
Fiction: Quick Silver

Rhoda Novak
Rhoda Novak is a physicist and computer scientist who designs innovative space systems. This piece, part of her in-progress memoir, was written in one of her memoir and short story seminars with Carolyn See at UCLA. She is published in anthologies, newspapers, online literary zines, poetry journals and engineering publications. She has won numerous writing awards and cash prizes from Barnes & Noble, USC Long Beach Writers' Conference, ByLine Magazine, Writer's Digest and Writers' Journal. She was a featured poet on community TV. Her passions are her family, writing, art quilting, her garden and reading the comic section of the paper to put things in perspective.
Cutting: Irrational Lust

Marta Palos

Hungarian born Marta Palos writes short stories and novels, translates and edits fiction. Her grandmother, the first U.S. immigrant in the family, is buried somewhere in Philadelphia, her bones thrown away or supporting the foundation of City Hall. In the dead of night her ghost lingers about, trying to warn the granddaughter against her impractical activities.
Fiction: Viking Love

Laura Perlberger

Laura Perlberger is a junior at Haverford College, studying anthropology and peace andconflict studies. In her writing, she tries to incorporate surreal and conflicting imagery. She writes to convey and entertain, but also as a self-exploration of the many feelings, transitions, and mini-dramas that shape her life.
Poem: Carnival Evening Sisters, 1987

Wes Prussing
Wes Prussing is a middle-aged (assuming he lives to be 98) sales and marketing manager living in south Florida. He's been writing short stories off and on for about five years or so. When not working, writing, reading, jogging or chauffeuring carloads of 9-year-old gymnasts about the state, he attends (via the Internet) the University of Phoenix OnLine. He hopes to complete his graduate degree before he retires. His short stories have appeared in a number of e-zines: Ken-Again, The Fairfield Review, The Moonwort Review and DigiZine, to name a few.
Fiction: Way to Hustle

Julie Richmond
Julie Richmond is a wife, mother of two very small children and successfull businesswoman who lives in Milton, Massachusetts. She enjoys writing fiction, as it gives her the opportunity to hide out in her basement in front of her computer. The children are not allowed in the basement, and neither is their father. You will be hearing a lot more from Julie in the future.
Fiction: Lullabies

Fernand Roqueplan
Fernand Roqueplan has been published in the Indiana Review, Poetry East, Southern Humanities Review, Manhattan Review, and The Texas Review. He works as an interpreter for social services and, seasonally, as a steelhead fishing guide (that is, babysitting retired federal judges and attorneys and those moguls who feel an "itch" to be in the wilds but don't want to drown, get lost or compete with bears).
Poem: That Part of the Garden the Water Wouldn't Reach

Kelly Rothenberg

Kelly Rothenberg has been a published writer since 1994 and has almost sixty-five publications to date (as of May 2004). His fiction has appeared in Ascent, Shadowdance, Redsine, Dark Tome, Gathering Darkness and others, and his articles, book reviews and biographical publications include Griot, Magill's Literary Annual, Popular Musicians Encyclopedia, Survival Kit and Americana. His most famous article on tattoos has been published many times, most recently by Gale Group in their series Examining Pop Culture — Body Piercing and Tattoos. The last time he submitted a poem it was published in Odradek in 1994 and won third place in their poetry contest. He lives in Georgia, is married to a wonderful librarian and is surrounded by animals of all kinds, just as he likes it. His web site is Undead Remains.
Humor: A Poem for Our Dog of Little Brain

Mike Ryan

Wild Violet proof reader Mike Ryan has a distressingly common name. He's not the lawyer or pharmaceutical salesman or the pool club owner. He's the information services manager. The one that loves anime and science fiction. No, not the one from New York, the one from Pennsylvania. Yeah, that one.
Humor: A Studio Full of Ninjas: The Making of a Modern Animation Classic

Wayne Scheer
Wayne Scheer wants everyone to know he's still young, although he took an early retirement from college teaching to write. In the past four years, he's published over fifty stories and essays. His latest work can be found in Laughter Loaf, Flashquake, Whistling Shade, Whim's Place and The Phone Book. In 2002, he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Wayne lives in Atlanta with his wife, and he welcomes e-mail.
Fiction: Closet Prude

G. David Schwartz
G. David Schwartz is the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish Appraisal of Dialogue, and coauthor, with Jacqueline Winston, of Parables In Black and White. Currently a volunteer at Drake Hospital in Cincinnati, Schwartz continues to write essays and fiction.
Essay: Review of the Idea of the Dictionary

E.A. Short
E.A. Short is a writer with accomplishments that include selling her soul at county fairs, fashioning acronyms for good dental hygiene, and losing her lunch on the Bering Sea. After devoting her youth to bad music in Alaska, she now lives in Bellingham, Washington, where she and her man raise their cat, L. Spout.
Fiction: The Green Gate

David Spiering

David Spiering's fifth chapbook of poetry will be published by Snark Press: Cooked Litanies. He's had four printed before that. He's had poems published in Charon Review, Staple Gun Review, The West Wind Review and many others, and fiction in Liquid Ohio and others. His influences are Baudelaire, Kafka, the English romantics, Donne, Shakespeare, and others. He's working on a full length poetry collection, getting his novella, The Wild Oak, ready for submission, and finishing off his stories of the buried life.
Fiction: The Excitable Boy Turns Over in North Country Restaurant

Terry Thomas
Terry Thomas is a Scorpio so he doesn't miss much of what occurs; therefore, the world is not just a stage but a page waiting to be scripted in a reduced fashion. If a novel is the redwood forest, chipped into chapters, et cetera, then a poem is a bonsai tree, constructed into pleasurable or painful abbreviation.
Poem: Death and Life in St. Maurice, Louisiana

Sam Vaknin
Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love — Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain — How the West Lost the East. He served as a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory Bellaonline, and Suite101. Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia. Visit Sam's Web site for more essays.
Essays: The Psychology of Torture, The Mind of a Narcissist (The Self-Deprecating Narcissist, A Holiday Grudge, The Opaque Mirror)

Alyce Wilson
Alyce Wilson is editor of Wild Violet and finally bought a cool bathing suit. In her copious spare time, she works to Re-elect Gore and keeps an online journal, Musings. She's self-published a book of poems, Picturebook of the Martyrs, available in print or as an e-book.
Reviews: Books (The Damp Chamber and Other Bad Places by Frank Chigas, In Lieu of Heaven by Kevin Archer, The Simple Truth About God by Christine Lenick, Selected Verses by C.S. Scott Jr. and Jeffrey Neal Cooper, A Corporal's War by Pauline Hayton), Movies (The Park, directed by Chow Lok Yuen, Josee, The Tiger and the Fish, directed by Isshin Inudo, Nine Souls, directed by Toshiaki Toyoda, Hair High, directed by Bill Plympton, Piccadilly, directed by Ewald André Dupont, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, directed by Russ Myers, Breakfast with Hunter, directed by Wayne Ewing, Shorts, directed by various)
Humor: A Studio Full of Ninjas: The Making of a Modern Animation Classic
Probe: Bill Plympton

Elli Wilson
Proof reader Elli Wilson is a certified massage therapist, recently graduated Penn State alumnus and a multi-media artist. She lives in State College with her fiance and two adorable pets, Emma and Beaner.

Gerald Zipper
Gerald Zipper's work has been published in a great many literary journals. Wounded Hopes, a collection of his poetry, was published in 1987. In 2002, he was named one of the state's top poets by The Journal of New Jersey Poets. He has been featured on National Public Radio and has lectured on writing poetry at the New School in New York City. He was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize Award.
Poetry: The Working of Love